In our website to download page to download MetaTrader 5 PC version installed after running the program, the top left corner of the mouse click "file" menu, select "log on to the transaction account", enter account and password and click login, for the first time login server needs to be loaded account information and data, it takes about 10 to 60 seconds, you wait a moment after the load data can begin the operations and transactions.
Since the Android system is developed by Google, the link of the Android version provided on the official website is the official link of Google App Marketplace. In some areas, the Google page is blocked, so some areas can not be accessed or the access speed is very slow.
Our trading software supports iOS and Android systems of all brands and models of mobile phones.
After opening cTrader, Trader enters Icon Technology International Ltd to log in. If you are not sure about the server for your account, please check the email we sent you with the initial login information in the email you registered when opening your account, or contact Max customer service