Forex, or FX for short, is easily the world's largest financial market, with trading volumes of $5.3 trillion a day. Forex margin trading is the practice of trading currency pairs in the market to profit from the difference in price. It involves the exchange of one currency into another by individuals and businesses.
Different from stocks and commodities with central exchange, buyers and sellers can undertake foreign exchange through here, currency pairs trading is the global Banks, dealers and brokers on multiple networks, so it is not limited to any trading arrangement, allowing traders to a more flexible time, a chance for traders to 5 per week, 24 hours a day.
But time is not the only factor that draws traders into margin trading. Due to the large number of currency transactions and various factors affecting the price of the currency, there is a large volatility in this market, making traders more likely to make profits. Money prices are influenced by a number of factors, including interest rates set by the country's central bank, economic data, government policies and export demand.